Hi guys, Doran is here! I just completed and tried this page of rune for Nocturne and more champions..~
Marks: Greater Mark of Attack Speed x9
Glyph: Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist x9
Seal: Greater Seal of Armor x9
Quintessence: Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage x3
I chose Attack Speed Marks cause Nocturne's passive is really good for sustain and clean jungler, Magic Resist/Level for Glyph cause you're a jungler, i think junglers doesn't need a lot of MR at Lv1, and Nocturne should be stronger at lategame, Armor for Seal just cause you're a jungler, you should tank Neutral Monsters, then I put 3 Quintessence of Attack Damage for do a little more damage when you cleaning or ganking.
Well so we won the game after our Draven did the Penta, all laners are pretty good, I died at Lv 2 and wasted a flash, (I hate that Kha'zix) but I just level up at 6, and get 1 kill and 1 assist on bot, then I kill the mid laner and Kha'zix, (Yeah, he wanted steal my red another time) I upgrade Feral Flare, we did the last teamfight at minute 20, and our Godraven did the Penta..~
So this is my first commentary, enjoy it and support my youtube channel, Thanks!