Lol Teams, interesting combos

HI, i'm yayi or yiyi, you can call me like you want, i'm new in this blog and i'm glad to be part of this project. My first contribution is about tell you how can you have better combos or better games.
First of all, I just want to say one thing: if u want to have fun with your friends this will be an opportunity to enjoy more your games.
This is the list:

Air for the wind

Top: Wuckong
Jung: Malphite
Middle: Yasuo
Suport: Jana
Marksman: Draven

To make easier a yasuo's game it's better to help him since the beginning, that's why selecting champs that are useful for the yasuo's ultimate are helping for the wining of a game.

Late for long games

Top: Tryndamere
Jung: Warwick
Middle: Veigar
Suport: Braum
Marksman: Vayne 

 Why Tryndamere and not Nasus? Why Veigar? Why vayne? First of all think about the Q passive of Nasus, it's too dealer, but if u have an immortal ultimate like the tryndamere's one, and all the critics and all that damage and attack speed you will see who dies first. Second, Veigar, the passive of this little yordle it's too similar than the Nasus stack, if u kill one creap or one enemy with the Q you will earn 1 point of AP. At late game it's note the same to have 800 AP than 1400 AP, not all champs can arrive to that number, Veigar can. Finally talk about the Vayne, if you see this amazing champ with all the build you must run, if she caught you, you are dead in 1 sec. And ww and braum are here for the amazing sustain that they have.

Powerful Beginning

Top: Panteon
Jung: Rengar
Middle: Leblanc
Suport: Karma
Marksman: Lucian

How many times have you rage for the annoying spears of Panteon? How many times have you get scared about an invade at lvl 2 of a Rengar? How many times have you said: i'm Done at mid? How many times have you said: What the hell? He's wasting a lot of spells but she doesn't wast mana? And finally, the double hit of lucian after doing a spell. These are the most dealers champs since the beginning. And if you get feed since the beginning, it's practically sure that they will do surrender at 20.

Immortal Team

Top: Yorick
Jung: Zac
Middle: Annivia
Suport: Zilean
Marksman: Kog'Maw

Well, this game it's practically for fun, just have a good time with some of your friends joking and trolling the enemy team. we can combinate different ultimates, with the actives of the objects like zhonya or the guardian angel. Imagine, Anivia with the zhonya and guardian angel plus the ultimate of zilean and the ultimate of yorik, there are gonna be long and unpredictable fights.


Top: Jax
Jung: Malplhite
Middle: Oriana
Suport: Leona
Marksman: Jinx

Are you tired for the long games and you just want to finish the game as fast as you can? okay, these are the 5 champs that if u combine the 4 ultimates and different abilities you are going to instakill them.
First, malaphite will engage the fight with the ultimate, but before of that, oriana must let the armor of his  ball and she'll put in him, after the malphs ult, oriana will use her ultimate, then Jax will jump with his stunn then leona will stop them and finally the ultimate of Jinx to clean all the rests.

Impossible to move

Top: Wuckong
Jung: Amumu
Middle: Victor
Suport: Leona
Marksman: Caitlyn

Oh man, i'm done, i can't do anything, impossible... if you are stunned for only one of these guys you will be stunned for 8 seconds minimum, enough time for be dead.
This team it's strong and it's not strange.

Helpfull Team

Top: Shen
Jung: Nocturne
Middle: Karthus
Suport: Soraka
Marksman: Ezreal

If you need help and you are low hp then you have shen and soraka to help you, and if u need to kill somebody that is gonna die but he stills alive with 20 hp then you just call karthus and nocturne and ask them for the ulti. Ezreal will try to snipe from long distances.

ADC's Team

Top: Urgot
Jung: Twitch
Middle: Ezreal
Suport: Varus
Marksman: Miss Fortune

Just troll, i think it's not too good, for the reason of the low hp of the team, it means that at late game it's practically impossible to win the fights. Play this Team with your friends and only to have fun.

Fast and Furious

Top: Fiora
Jung: Hecarim
Middle: Katarina
Suport: Karma
Marksman: Quinn

What about be fast, kill, and come back to your lane? Katarina is one of the bests assassins with mobility and if u combine the speed of Hecarim and the help of Karma you can be supported for all your team. The teammates will arrive where you don't.

Just enjoy this list, and if u want to send me new ideas pls, contact with me at: